Galeria objawów Long Covid Kids

The information provided by Long Covid Kids (LCK) aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of Long Covid and related illnesses in children to increase understanding, aid early diagnosis and improve response and intervention. The content is intended for individual parents, healthcare, and educational professionals, in addition to expert forums, research panels, health organisations & parliamentary groups. LCK is not a not substitute for professional medical advice and neither advocate for nor endorse the use of any drug or therapy contained within any publications.
We strongly recommend that users consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if they seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Any information on specified diagnosis, treatments, and follow-up needs to be independently verified to ensure it is appropriate.
The information included in the LCK website is provided on an "as is" basis without any representations, conditions, or warranties that it is accurate and up to date. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are not endorsed by LCK. To the fullest extent permitted by law, LCK shall not incur any liability, including without limitation, liability for damages, arising from the content. All conditions, warranties, and other terms which might otherwise be implied by the law including, without limitation, the warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, use of reasonable care and skill, and non-infringement of proprietary rights are excluded.
Long Covid Kids Connected is a service consisting of online zoom sessions for young people with Long Covid aged between 6 and 17, and administered by volunteers from the Long Covid Kids charity.
The aim of the sessions is to provide an opportunity for social interaction online in a safe, relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Sessions will be held twice weekly for each age group on Wednesdays and Sundays. These are available to members and booked online.
Sessions are not intended to constitute or deliver medical advice or to diagnose, treat or cure Long Covid.
Participants are encouraged to share if they feel comfortable, but there is no pressure to do so.
There will always be at least one Administrator in the online support room.
The role of the Administrator is to ensure the rules for participation are understood and adhered to by all participants, and that the support group is a safe place for all users.
Administrators are not necessarily qualified in a medical or educational capacity, and will not provide any medical advice.
Terms and Conditions
You must complete and submit a registration form prior to attending any sessions.
There is no minimum attendance commitment or expectation.
Age Limits
You must be aged between 6 - 17 to participate in the online sessions. There are three age groups: 6 – 11, 12 – 14 and 15 – 17, so as to ensure that participants can choose the group that best fits their stage of education. There is also a seperate parents and caregivers session.
Parents should avoid contributing and/or dominating the conversation, as this is a space for the young people to speak if they wish, and parents can encourage them to do so.
Respect for Others
Open communication is encouraged with the group, but you should always be aware of how your words may impact on others.
Please respect others and listen to what they have to say.
You are welcome to share ideas and solutions that have worked for you in terms of your recovery / illness, but as support rather than advice. You should let others decide for themselves if it might work for them too.
No-Go Areas
You must not share any comments, questions or language that may be construed as offensive, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, abusive or invasive or a person’s privacy. This includes swear words and abbreviated swear words.
You must not share any comments that may be construed as discriminatory on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.
You must not share any personal contact details, or ask anyone for theirs, for your own privacy and safety. This includes email addresses, phone numbers, addresses and gaming tags.
You must not divulge anything shared during the online sessions outside the Group, otherwise it will compromise our Safe Space.
Should anyone disclose anything of concern, the Administrator has a duty to report this to the relevant contact. Should anything in the sessions concern you please email Sarah Priest, Senior Moderator spriest@longcovidkids.org
Mics and Cameras
Mics should be switched on throughout the session.
Cameras should be switched on at the start for check-in, and can then be turned off if preferred.
In the event of any issues or problems, parents should contact Sarah Priest, Senior Moderator immediately on spriest@longcovidkids.org