Long Covid Kids Symptom Gallery

Long Covid Kids
The symptoms of Long Covid listed below have been evidenced in paediatric research.
We have also included symptoms observed in our Support Services, many of which are evidenced in adult research.
Any symptom that comes and goes, or persists for more than four weeks after SARS-Cov-2 infection, especially when part of a constellation of symptoms, requires medical assessment.Think Long Covid.
It may take years to understand Long Covid and define the list of paediatric symptoms.
*Click on the image to see the list of symptoms associated with each system
Our initial rapid symptom survey was completed in January 2021 before Long Covid was widely recognised in children; to provide early evidence of Long Covid symptom prevalence and aid our calls for paediatric Long Covid clinics & improved indoor air quality and mitigations in schools.
Our second study was published in March 2021: Clinical Characteristics, Activity Levels and Mental Health Problems in Children with Long Covid
Emerging global paediatric Long Covid research now supports our early findings.
Since the start of the pandemic we have shone a light on the symptoms children experience to raise awareness.
Images displayed show symptoms that children in our have experienced after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
These images are not displayed as a substitution for medical advice.
Long Covid is a new condition and everyone is still learning. Please seek medical advice if concerned.