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Kids Reading Outdoor

Children & Young People

Support & Information 

If  you are reading this page, it is probably because you, or someone you know, has ongoing symptoms following


You may be wondering if you have Long Covid or have already been diagnosed with Long Covid. Or you may have a related illness that was triggered by COVID-19 like; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis  (ME/CFS), Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS), or Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). You are not alone. This page contains information and support for kids.


Who gets long covid?

Children and grown-ups can experience long-lasting symptoms and, because Long Covid is still being researched, we don’t know why some children experience symptoms that seem to go on and on, and why others don’t.


Doctors and scientists are working on this 

right now.


what is long covid?

Long Covid is the name for the symptoms that carry on for more than four weeks after someone gets COVID-19. It is a descriptive title given by the people who are living with Long Covid to help explain the difference between initial COVID-19 symptoms and ongoing symptoms.

Some people call it Post  Acute Covid Syndrome or PACS for short.


do kids get better?

Most children do recover well from initial COVID-19 infection.

Doctors may tell us that most children recover well from Long Covid after about 3-6 months.

Some children have different experiences and can be ill for much longer.

There are lots of ways to manage symptoms, and some symptoms can be treated. Please seek advice from your doctor.

Connect Online With LCK Discord

Would you like to hang out online with other kids who are going through the same thing and 'get it'? The LCK Discord server is open to young people aged 13 - 18 years living with Long Covid and related illnesses, their friends and siblings.


Who runs the LCK Discord Server?

The LCK Discord Server is moderated by teenagers with Long Covid, and supervised and moderated by adult volunteers.

How can I join the server or get more information?

Email the Discord team using the button below to find out more.

Our Discord Policy sets out the guidelines and rules that LCK Discord members must follow/adhere to ensure a positive experience. 

Michael Rosen 

Michael Rosen is one of Britain’s best-loved writers and performance poets for children and adults and has personally been affected by Long Covid. He is our patron, which means he supports our charity.

"Long Covid exists. Some people are lucky: they got Covid
or they will get Covid and there are no long-term effects.
For others, it can be mild, quite serious or very serious. It can be not very long, quite long, very long or forever. I’m someone who has two effects which are forever:"



Listen to Michael read from his book about his recovery.

With the support of those around him, and his trusty walking stick, Sticky McStickstick, Michael Rosen Learns to walk again.

"There are people who want to help. “What is the bravest thing you’ve ever said” asked the boy, “Help” said the horse.” Charlie Mackesy"


New information comes out all the time. We share it via Padlet.

Think of Padlet a bit like an online scrapbook of useful links about kids, Long Covid, health and wellbeing.

You can sign up for free HERE.

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